earthen spirit
devoted in the heart to compassionate care for all mothers and mother earth - with ancestral practices, earth based wisdom, and creativity as roads to integrated wholeness.
fertile grounds
shop arthand painted and drawn pieces exploring the vast beauty of nature’s palette. dreams manifested through tangible art to invoke stillness and wonder of the natural world.
earth ware pottery
shop potterynature expressed through textures and colors derived from the elements of fire, smoke, sand, and soil. functional pieces of earth ware pottery to ground you into each meal and add natural beauty to the mundane.
postpartum support
learn moreopen hearted support that creates safety, nourishment, and joy for you during the vulnerable and life changing experience of birth. o matter how a pregnancy ends, a new child, an intentional pregnancy release, or a miscarriage, I support you in your journey of integration, healing, and expansion.